Sunday, August 7, 2011

CS Talent blog

Dear All

I have seen many young chartered accountants are writing articles and expressing their views. In our profession also many talented company secretaries. We need to bring those talent outsdie by way of writing articles. By writing articles,we can analyse particular subject and express our views. The views may not be accetable to others. The moot point is here that we are attempting to express our views. This is first step for professional approach .

The main objective of the blog is that CS Profession must grow leaps and bounds.

We are happy to announce that we have created our CS Talent blog where individual identity will be given. Separate lable for each cs whose article or views or commentary will be included Each individual company secretary contribution will be seen separately. The prime motive is individual identity and individual recognition.

We request you to send your article/views/commentary on any of the following areas The articles to be written on own language and copying from other articles are not allowed. The sections and defintions are exception.

1) Companies Act
2) Circular and Notification
3) case laws
4) Direct/indirect taxation
5) Fema
6) Labour allied laws
7) Any other act not covered by the above categories

We are giving below our blog details

We look forward your articles and please send the same in the following email address

Best Regards

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